Monday, July 6, 2009

One Handed

I sit here typing one handed due to the 10 lbs sweetness cuddled to sleep in my other arm. I'm all ready catching little glimmers of God's amazing heart towards me just 6 weeks into my own parenting journey. I see myself in her unknowing stubborness. I laughed early on as she cried and shook her head for food and it was right in front of her the whole time but she struggled to find it. It was an instant reminder to me of how God is always near me yet I panic and struggle to find Him. I sense His delight when I take the time to focus in and talk to him. There's nothing like the feeling I get when she turns her head to my voice or better yet smiles at me! I'm reminded of Matthew 7:11
"If you, then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him!" i'll keep sharing the tiny insights I'm gleaning. It will just take me a while to post when she's napping! please forgive any typos as I learn to do life one handed!

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